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GMAT逻辑真题训练1  Mostoftheworldssup*ofuraniumcurrentlycomesfrommines.Itispossibletoextracturaniumfroms下面是小编为大家整理的2023GMAT逻辑真题训练3篇(完整文档),供大家参考。



  Most of the world"s sup* of uranium currently comesfrom mines. It is possible to extracturanium from seawater, but the cost of doing so is greater than the price thaturanium fetches on the world market. Therefore, until the cost of extracting uranium from seawater cansomehow be reduced, this method of obtaining uranium is unlikely to becommercially viable.

  Which of the following would it be most useful todetermine in evaluating the argument?

  (A) Whether the uranium in deposits on land is rapidlybeing depleted

  (B) Whether most uranium is used near where it is mined

  (C) Whether there are any technological advances thatshow promise of reducing the cost of extracting uranium from seawater

  (D) Whether the total amount of uranium in seawater issignificantly greater than the total amount of uranium on land

  (E) Whether uranium can be extracted from freshwater at acost similar to the cost of extracting it from seawater


  参考答案: A

  思路:B:是否uranium是在near where it is mined被用的,与uranium从哪开采出来的成本高低无关系,所以跟结论也无关系;

  C:technological advances是无关词。有这样的技术,也不能确定这种技术会被使用,也就是说,不确定cost是否会真的会下降;有没有这样的技术和最终from seawater的cost降下来之间没有“必然”联系。 有它可以,没它也没什么!!


  E:freshwater无关名词。把from freshwater和from seawater比cost是没有意义的"。我们这里需要比from seawater和from land的cost;

  A:是否uranium将会很快消耗光,这就预示着是否uranium on the worldmarket的价格是否会有巨大上涨,也就是uraniumcost on the world market是否会超过from seawater的uranium, 也就决定了是否this method is commerciallyviable。这是正确答案。






  Plant scientists have used genetic engineering on seedsto produce crop plants that are highly resistant to insect damage. Unfortunately,the seeds themselves are quite expensive, and the plants require morefertilizer and water to grow well than normal ones. Thus, for most farmers the savings on pesticideswould not compensate for the higher seed costs and the cost of additionalfertilizer. However, since consumer demand for grains, fruits, and vegetables grownwithout the use of pesticides continues to rise, the use of geneticallyengineered seeds of this kind is likely to become widespread.

  In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the followingroles?

  (A) The first supplies a context for the argument; thesecond is the argument"s main conclusion.

  (B) The first introduces a development that the argumentpredicts will have a certain outcome; the second is a state of affairs that theargument denies will be part of that outcome.

  (C) The first presents a development that the argumentpredicts will have a certain outcome; the second acknowledges a considerationthat weighs against that prediction.

  (D) The first provides evidence to support a predictionthat the argument seeks to defend; the second is that prediction.

  (E) The first and the second each provide evidence tosupport the argument"s main conclusion.



  参考答案: C

  思路:However后面与作者立场一致, However前面与作者立场相反。

  A:排除;因为The frist应该与argument立场相反

  B:排除,因为the second is a state of affairs that the argument denies错了. The second应该与argument的立场一致.

  D:排除,因为The first应该与作者立场相反;

  E:排除,因为The first应该与作者立场相反;

  C:第一句话是argument预测的一个结果. 预测就有可能支持或反对; 第二句话反对了预测的东西,也就是反对一句话。没有什么错, 不能排除.




  During the 1960’s and 1970’s, the primary economic development strategy of local governments in the United States was to attract manufacturing industries. Unfortunately, this strategy was usually implemented at another community’s expense: many manufacturing facilities were lured away from their moorings elsewhere through tax incentives and slick promotional efforts. Through the transfer of jobs and related revenues that resulted from this practice, one town’s triumph could become another town’s tragedy.

  In the 1980’s the strategy shifted from this zero-sum game (A situation in which a gain by one person or side must be matched by a loss by another person or side) to one called “high-technology development,” in which local governments competed to attract newly formed high-technology manufacturing firms. Although this approach was preferable to victimizing other geographical areas by taking their jobs, it also had its shortcomings: high-tech manufacturing firms employ only a specially trained fraction of the manufacturing workforce, and there sim* are not enough high-tech firms to satisfy all geographic areas.

  Recently, local governments have increasingly come to recognize the advantages of yet a third strategy: the promotion of homegrown small businesses. Small indigenous businesses are created by a nearly ubiquitous resource, local entrepreneurs. With roots in their communities, these individuals are less likely to be enticed away by incentives offered by another community. Indigenous industry and talent are kept at home, creating an environment that both provides jobs and fosters further entrepreneurship.

  144. The primary purpose of the passage is to

  (A) advocate more effective strategies for encouraging the development of high-technology enterprises in the United States

  (B) contrast the incentives for economic development offered by local governments with those offered by the private sector

  (C) acknowledge and counter adverse criticism of programs being used to stimulate local economic development

  (D) define and explore promotional efforts used by local governments to attract new industry(E)

  (E) review and evaluate strategies and programs that have been used to stimulate economic development

  145. The passage suggests which of the following about the majority of United States manufacturing industries before the high-technology development era of the 1980’s?

  (A) They lost many of their most innovative personnel to small entrepreneurial enterprises.

  (B) They experienced a major decline in profits during the 1960’s and 1970’s.

  (C) They could provide real economic benefits to the areas in which they were located.

  (D) They employed workers who had no specialized skills.(C)

  (E) They actively interfered with local entrepreneurial ventures.

  146. The tone of the passage suggests that the author is most optimistic about the economic development potential of which of the following groups?

  (A) Local governments

  (B) High-technology promoters

  (C) Local entrepreneurs

  (D) Manufacturing-industry managers(C)

  (E) Economic development strategists

  147. The passage does NOT state which of the following about local entrepreneurs?

  (A) They are found nearly everywhere.

  (B) They encourage further entrepreneurship.

  (C) They attract out-of-town investors.

  (D) They employ local workers.(C)

  (E) They are established in their communities.

  148. The author of the passage mentions which of the following as an advantage of high-technology development?

  (A) It encourages the modernization of existing manufacturing facilities.

  (B) It promotes healthy competition between rival industries.

  (C) It encourages the growth of related industries.

  (D) It takes full advantage of the existing workforce.(E)

  (E) It does not advantage one local workforce at the expense of another.





  某教授说,人们现在对于animal language的研究已经很牛逼啦。我们已经知道53种语言啦。No animal language is discrete infinity language. Therefore, no animal language is natural language.


  Lz选 Every natural language is discrete infinity langrage. (这题好奇葩,于是完整记下来了。。



  科学家在过去的50年中研究了很多的语言。人类的语言都是XXXXX的;而动物的语言[communication system]都不是discrete的,于是得出结论:动物的语言[communication system]都不是native language。问Assumption。

  我选的:Native language都是discrete的。


  大意是说animals’ language system。作者认为,“we know that animal systems are not discrete”能够推出"as a result, animal systems are not natural"。也是考充要条件的。




  1、 小明看一本故事书,每天看40页, 8天可以看完,如果要4天看完,每天看多少页?












  13、地图的比例尺是 ,北京到天津某地的距离画在该地图上是4.8厘米,求两地的实际距离多少?





  161. *从甲地去乙地,去时先骑自行车,途中又换乘汽车,3小时到达乙地;回来时全乘汽车,1+4/5小时就到达乙地。单乘汽车比既骑自行车又乘骑车少用的时间相当于去时骑自行车时间的3/5。那么*从甲地到乙地全部骑车需要多少小时?

  162. 商店购进甲、乙、丙三种不同的糖果,所用的费用相等,已知甲、乙、丙三种糖果每千克的费用分别是4。4元、6元、6。6元,如果把这三种糖果混在一起作成什锦糖,那么这种什锦糖每千克的成本是几元?

  163. 甲、乙、丙三人共同购买一辆汽车,买车时甲、乙付的钱分别是其他二人付钱总数的1/4,假如甲、乙再各付30000元,那么丙比乙少付6000元,买这辆车共用几元?

  164. 甲、乙两人以均匀的速度绕圆形跑道按相反的方向跑步,他们的出发点分别在直径的两个端点,如果他们同时出发,那么在乙跑完100米时第一次相遇,甲跑一圈还差60米时,第二次相遇。跑道的长是几米?

  165. 甲、乙两个圆柱形容器,底面积比为4:3,甲容器水深7厘米,乙容器水深3厘米。再往两个容器各注入同样多的水,直到水深相等,这时水深几厘米?

  166. 有一辆沿公路不停地往返于M,N两地之间的汽车。老王从M地沿这条公路步行向N地,速度为每小时3。6千米,中途迎面遇到从N地驶来的这辆汽车,经20分钟又遇到这辆汽车从后面折回,再过50分钟又迎面遇到这辆汽车,再过40分钟又遇到这辆车再折回。N,M两地的路程有多少千米?

  167. 用甲、乙、丙三个排水管排水,甲管排出1立方米水的时间,乙管能排出1。25立方米的水,丙管能排出1。5立方米的水。现在要排完某个水池的水,先开甲管,2小时后开乙管,几小时后再开丙管,到下午4时正好把水排完,且各个排水管排出的水量正好相等。问什么时候打开的丙管?

  168. 有一项工程,由三个工程队每天轮流做。原计划按甲、乙、丙次序轮做,恰好整天完工;如果按乙、丙、甲次序轮流做,比原计划多用0。5天;如果按丙、甲、乙次序轮流做,比原计划多用1/3天。已知甲单独做13天完工,且3个工程队的效率各不相同,那么这项工程由甲、乙、丙三个队合作要几天?

  169. 小明5点多起床,一看钟,6字恰好在时针和分针的正中间(即两针到6的距离相等),这时是5点几分?

  170. 一只救生船从港口开到出事地点要行840千米,船速每小时20千米,船上一架直升飞机,每小时可飞行220千米,中途飞机起飞,提前赶到出事地点,这样从船离港口到飞机到达出事地点一共用了10小时,飞机在船离港口后多长时间起飞?


  例 食堂原来有粮食50袋,吃了4天,每天吃8袋。还剩多少袋?





  例 三1班有男同学21人,女同学19人,*均分成4个小组。每组有多少人?


  2、 5个少先队员做飞机模型。第一次做了16只,第二次做了19只。*均每个少先队员做多少只?






  3. 考了 so.....as......., so.....that.......,什么什么的忘了

  4. 有关自由女神像的.一道,说国会同意接受法国捐赠的自由女神像但是要用作灯塔,这里狗主选了as灯塔,好像是D,开头是以那个法案开头的

  5. As用法,四題


  Just as I need xxx to do yyy, (so) my brother needs aaa to do bbb.

  Just as I need xxx to do yyy, (so) does my brother need aaa to do bbb.


  7. 考到了一道题 ,关于定语从句里主谓一致的选项。答案中有the only one of the law firms that uses 这个选项,百度后发现the only one + of 后面的定语从句是单数动词的,切记。其他混淆的项有one of --- that uses 这个是错的。



  10. 开始一道题很绕。大概记得结构是:

  The scientists round up as many as 10000 animals that were set free by the own of the animal presevre, returning-----(伴随状语)

  楼主选的就是这个结构,但是很别扭,因为发觉 returning是伴随状语,前面的句子结构应该是:animals were set free, returning 而不是狗主选的这个。这个是A答案,记得往下看看其他。不过其他都貌似更复杂。













  ⑨贝克先生 “你忘记啦?4月2日,昆明湖公园…… 我记得你脸上有块痣。年轻人,你骗不了我的。”贝克先生一脸的得意。













  The professor refutes the three explanation raised the reading of the usage of the shafts in the pyramid.

  First, the professor does not believe the idea mentioned in the reading that shafts are used as the ventilation for workers to breathe fresh air. She pointed out that though the upper shafts stick out to and can reach air, the lower ones can not and they just stop at the wall. Since the construction of the shafts must serve the same function, so the ventilation theory is not plausible.

  Second, the professor contradicts that the position of shafts has religious meaning. The linkage between gods and stars believed by the Ancient Egyptians was raised later than the year when the pyramid was built.

  Third, the professor admits that the Ancient Egyptians did believe the king’s spirit can travel to the afterlife, but the traveling passageway is not necessarily tangible. Many other pyramids used symbolic images on the wall to represent the passageway. They believed the king’s soul could pass through the wall without any using of opening.




  Some people like to go straight to the destination to see the view while traveling. Other people prefer to enjoy the scenery along the way. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons to support your answer.


  Intro:enjoy the scenery along the way


  1. traveling is a process

  2. see some places that we haven’t been to

  3. less stressful and more enjoyable

  Transitional words : first,second,finally

  Some people like to go straight to the destination to see the view while traveling because they want to spend a long period of time enjoying the place as they planned. But as far as I’m concerned. I prefer to enjoy the scenery along the way.

  First,traveling is a process,not a destination. In most cases,traveling is a process of getting from point A to point B. The mind is relaxing while the landscape is passed by. Moreover, it is a process of sightseeing for us to communicate with the history and nature.

  Second,taking time along the way enables us to see some places that we haven"t been to or may not have the chance to go for a visit. What a good additional gain!

  Finally,not rushing to the destination but enjoying the sights during the journey is less stressful and more enjoyable.




  The listening refutes the three functions raised in the reading to explain the existence of the eye in microbes.

  First, the reading holds that the eye is used for following preys. Since the microbes’ preys are usually transparent, which means their movement will cause the oscillation of light, the eye can enable the microbes to detect those and follow the prey.. However, the listening points out that there are researches proving that other closely related microbes, which have no eyes, can also follow their prey successfully. Therefore, their eyes must be for other purposes.

  Second, the reading believes that the eye is used to sense the sunlight. One part of the energy source of microbes is the sun, so with the eye sensing the intensity of sunlight they can find a better place to absorb the solar energy. On the contrary, in the listening, the eye can not sense sunlight, otherwise, it will not confirm with the law of evolution. Scientists find that they are becoming less and less dependent on sunlight for energy. Compared with their ancestors, the sea-dwelling microorganism is with a much more complex eye.

  Third, the reading suggests that the eye has aiming function which help microbes target the prey more accurately when they send forth something like spear to stab. However, the listening refutes that researchers find that the eye couldn’t focus quite well and can not form clear image, which means they are not able to have better accuracy at their preys when stabbing them.




  In the lecture, the professor refutes the three solutions raised in the reading passage to reduce the impact of wind turbines on the bats population, for he thinks those are all infeasible.

  Firstly, the professor opposes the reading’s idea that the wind turbines should be built in the areas far away from the migratory routes of the bats. He suggests that the migratory routes of bats are exactly the places where wind turbines should be built, for if they are built in the remote areas such as flat plain, the wind speed will decline, which is very disadvantageous to the power generation function of wind turbines.

  Secondly, the reading claims that turning off the wind turbines in the night is one of the solutions, for bats are nocturnal. The professor disapproves, because though the bats are not active in the daytime, they will choose sleep on tall structures, and the tops of the turbines are such places. When the wind turbines function in the day, the bats will get harmed.

  Finally, in the reading passage, it suggests that radars can be used to repel the bats, for the bats hate radar waves. The professor disagrees with this, for if bats meet the electromagnetic waves emitted by radars, those waves will prominently influence the reproductive system of the bats.

推荐访问:真题 逻辑 训练 GMAT逻辑真题训练3篇 gmat逻辑真题训练1 gmat逻辑真题题库
