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2022-10-24 10:42:02 投稿作者:网友投稿 点击:



中图分类号:TV135 文献标志码:A 文章编号:


Selection of Energy Dissipation Scheme in Plunge Pool for Altash Project

ZHAO Xing,YANG Min,QI Chunfeng

(State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China)

Abstract:In this paper,Altash hydropower station was chosen as the research object.The best energy dissipation scheme was selected based on 1∶50 hydraulic model.It could be studied by comparing the hydraulic characteristics in the flat bottom water cushion pool and scouring patterns in the cushion pool with lining slope but no bottom protection.By measuring pulsating pressure and uplift force,the possible damage range in the cushion pool could be predicted.And through the analysis of the flow pattern and scouring patterns,the shape of flip bucket of spillway tunnel could be optimized.The comparative study showed that the optimized flip bucket could change trajectory nappe forms,adjust scour pit shapes,reduce the slope erosion and it was feasible for this cushion pool to adopt the form of the lining slope but no bottom protection with the optimized flip bucket.The results can provide reference for similar projects.

Key words:model test;energy dissipation and erosion control;hydraulic characteristics;sediment scour;shape optimization for flip bucket;curved surface bucket

20世纪以来,我国高拱坝设计高度逐渐增加,其中,二滩水电站最大坝高达到240 m,通过大量试验与研究论证,二滩采用了“坝身表中孔联合分层泄水,水舌空中碰撞消能,下设水垫塘二道坝消能,辅以岸边泄洪洞泄洪”的建筑物布置与消能方式,之后的工程(如:小湾水电站等)大都采用了这种“二滩模式”。这种衬砌水垫塘通过板块锚固、止水缝设计、缝间止水、底板下排水等可以在一定程度上保护下游不受破坏。但是,当水垫塘的设计不当或施工质量不满足要求时,衬砌水垫塘也会发生破坏。比较典型的有俄罗斯的萨扬·舒申斯克水电站、我国的五强溪水电站[1]、安康水电站[2]鱼塘水电站等,在运行一段时间后消力池底板均出现了一定程度的破坏需要及时修复。而随着新建待建大坝的量级达到300 m级,水垫塘底板破坏的可能性更大。

在水垫塘基岩条件较好时,不一定要衬砌水垫塘,只需对冲刷部位预挖、对断层进行处理、基岩锚固和两岸护坡等,其造价比衬砌水垫塘低得多。由此,提出了“护坡不护底水垫塘”的方案。国内外已有一些工程采用这种水垫塘,证明了不衬砌水垫塘具有控制消能防冲、提高工程经济效益等优势。如土耳其的伯克坝[3]、南非的卡其坝[4]利用加高二道坝来形成不衬砌水垫塘;巴西的图库鲁伊溢洪道采用预挖冲坑。国内的莲花水电站[5]、水布垭水电站[6]、糯扎渡水电站[7]下游也采用了预挖不衬砌水垫塘。特别是巴西的图库鲁伊大坝的不衬砌水垫塘成功渡过了11 000 m3/s的洪水[8],证明了不衬砌水垫塘有良好的消能防冲作用。


1 工程概况


推荐访问:水利枢纽 阿尔 方式 选择 水垫塘消能
